- 解釈:下からの視点・上からの視点。
- Literal:Thought in a forest and thought in a desert.
- Interpretation:The angle from the bottom and the angle from the top.
It's a forest country in Japan, so a thing is judged from "the bottom". A thought is developed from a look. People do and insist on "the individuality".
For example the respective houses are various. People have individuality.
A country in a desert (Biblical country) surveys the whole creation from the top. People take the global-like view. A country in a desert (Biblical country) surveys the whole creation from the top. People take the global-like view.
For example all houses in downtown are a similar building. People don't have the individuality. - Category:My saying
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01 森林の思考・砂漠の思考 収録データリスト 02 下からの視点・上からの視点 03 砂漠の成因 04 氷河時代の様相 05 氷期後の高温期 06 農耕以前 07 多神教の時代 08 一神教の成立 09 仏教とキリスト教